Course Objectives: |
Course Outcomes: |
- Teacher: Dr. Om Prakash Assistant Professor
Course Objectives: |
Course Outcomes: |
Course Objectives:
1. To impart basic knowledge of electrical quantities and provide working knowledge for the analysis of DC and AC circuits.
2. To provide the knowledge of various theorems like thevenin, norton, superposition etc.
Course Objective
1. Implement Stack, Queue, and Circular Queue using arrays and lists.
2. Implement Tree, Binary Tree, Tree Traversal, Binary Search Tree, and operations for insertion and deletion.
3. Implement popular Searching and Sorting Algorithms.
4. Develop problem-solving skills using data structures.
Course Outcome
1. Develop proficiency in implementing data structures.
2. Gain practical experience in using arrays and lists to implement Stack, Queue, and Circular Queue.
3. Understand the concepts of Tree, Binary Tree, and Binary Search Tree, and learn to implement them efficiently.
4. Learn various searching and sorting algorithms and gain experience in
implementing them.
Course Objective
1. Develop skills in polynomial interpolation and error analysis.
2. Implement numerical methods for solving equations and analyze root convergence rates.
3. Apply Bessel's, Newton's, Stirling's, and Lagrange's methods for solving mathematical problems.
4. Implement the method of least square curve fitting.
5. Implement numerical differentiation using trapezoidal and Simpson 3/8 rules.
6. Analyze data using frequency chart, regression analysis, linear and polynomial fits.
Course Outcome
1. Implement polynomial interpolation and analyze errors.
2. Apply numerical methods for solving algebraic and transcendental equations and analyze root convergence rates.
3. Apply various methods (Bessel's, Newton's, Stirling's, Lagrange's) to solve mathematical problems.
4. Implement the method of least square curve fitting.
5. Implement numerical differentiation using trapezoidal and Simpson 3/8 rules.
6. Analyze data using frequency chart, regression analysis, linear and
polynomial fits.
Course Objective : To demonstrate understanding of numerical and statistical methods in support of the analysis, design and application for problem solving in the field of information technology.
Course Outcome:
1. Recognize the error in the number generated by the solution.
2. Compute solution of algebraic and transcendental equation by numerical methods like Bisection method and Newton Rapshon method.
3. Apply method of interpolation and extrapolation for prediction.
4. Recognize elements and variable in statistics and summarize qualitative and quantitative data.
5. Calculate mean, median and mode for individual series.
6. Outline properties of correlation and compute Karl-Pearson‟s coefficient of
This course is designed to provide a comprehensive understanding of data structures, their implementations in C, and their applications in solving complex problems.
What You'll Learn:
This course is designed for beginners and covers the foundational programming concepts, equipping you with the skills to write, debug, and execute code confidently.
What You'll Learn:
By the end of this course, you will be able to write functional programs, understand programming logic, and be prepared to advance to more specialized areas such as web development, data science, or software engineering.
This course provides a comprehensive introduction to the concepts, techniques, and applications of graph theory.
What You'll Learn:
By the end of this course, you’ll be able to analyze and solve problems using graph theory concepts, implement graph algorithms, and apply graph-based solutions in diverse fields such as data science, AI, and operations research.
Course Objectives:
1. To impart basic knowledge of electrical quantities and provide working knowledge for the analysis of DC and AC circuits.
2. To provide the knowledge of various theorems like thevenin, norton, superposition etc.
Course Objective: To demonstrate understanding of numerical and statistical methods in support of the analysis, design and application for problem solving in the field of information technology.
Course Outcome :
1. Recognize the error in the number generated by the solution.
2. Compute solution of algebraic and transcendental equation by numerical methods like Bisection method and Newton Rapshon method.
3. Apply method of interpolation and extrapolation for prediction.
4. Recognize elements and variable in statistics and summarize qualitative and quantitative data.
5. Calculate mean, median and mode for individual series.
6. Outline properties of correlation and compute Karl-Pearson‟s coefficient of
Write a Shell script that accepts a filename, starting and ending line numbers as arguments and displays all the lines between the given line numbers.
Write a Shell script to show functioning of for loop in shell programming.
Write a shell script using while loop.
Write a shell script using if else statement
Write a Shell script to list all the files in a directory
Write a Shell script to find whether a number is even or odd
Write a Shell script to find the factorial of a given integer
Write a shell script that computes the gross salary of an employee according to the following rules: (The basic salary is entered interactively through the keyboard.) I. If basic salary is < 1500 then HRA-10% of the basic and DA =90% of the basic. II. If the basic salary is >=1500 then HRA-Rs500 and DA-98% of the basic
Write a C program to create a zombie process.
Write a shell script which receives two file names as arguments. It should check whether the two file contents are the same or not. If they are the same then the second file should be deleted.
Describe some Internal commands
Describe some External commands
* Introduction of Full Stack Development using Spring boot
* Using bootstrapping in Spring boot
* Working with Tomcat deployment
(Besides these additional experiments can be included to give hands on experience to students. Students
can be provided opportunity to work on any Information System to give them better understanding of
Information System)
Course Outcome:
Through completion of the Certificate course in Information Technology program, students will:
1. Develop information technology solutions by evaluating user requirements in the systems development environment.
2. Apply knowledge of IT requirements for technology solutions in cutting edges applications.
3. Analyze a problem and identify and define the computing requirements for the appropriate solutions.
4. Create, select and apply appropriate techniques, resources, and modern engineering and IT tools.
1. Creating ER diagrams and Schema Diagrams of real world problems.
2. Creating tables and data population.
3. Writing SQL queries using following operators: (a) Logical operators (=,<,>,etc.). (b) SQL operators (Between…. AND, IN(List), Like, ISNULL and also with negating expressions ). (c) Set Operators(UNION, INTERSECT, and MINUS, etc.).
4. Writing SQL queries using Character, Number, Date and Group functions.
5. Writing SQL queries for extracting data from more than one table (Equi-Join, Non-EquiJoin , Outer Join)
6. Creating VIEWS using SQL and performing operation on it.
7. Writing ASSERTIONS using SQL
8. Writing programs using PL/SQL.
10. Write queries using CURSORS.
11. Write TRIGGRS using PL/SQL
12. Create FORMS and REPORTS.
1. Divide and conquer method (quick sort, merge sort, Strassen’s matrix multiplication)
2. Greedy method (knapsack problem, job sequencing, optimal merge patterns, minimal spanning trees).
3. Dynamic programming (multistage graphs, OBST, 0/1 knapsack, traveling salesperson problem).
4. Back tracking (n-queens problem, graph coloring problem, Hamiltonian cycles).
5. Sorting : Insertion sort, Heap sort, Bubble sort
6. Searching : Sequential and Binary Search
7. Selection : Minimum/ Maximum, Kth smallest element
* (Besides these additional experiments can be included to give hands on experience to students. Students can be provided opportunity to work on any Information System to give them better understanding of Information System)
Working with Microsoft office (word, excel, power point, access)
Use of Search Engine and World Wide Web, Creation of email id and working with email, Use of FTP service
Basics of Cloud computing, Internet of things (IoT) and Data Science
(Besides these additional experiments can be included to give hands on experience to students. Students can be provided opportunity to work on any Information System to give them better understanding of Information System)
This lab shall have minimum 25 programs in C. There shall be minimum two
programs per module as taught in theory. Programming shall follow
logic/algorithm and flowchart wherever applicable. Exercises shall also
enhance analytical and debugging abilities.
Electrochemistry of solutions, Debye-Huckel, Onsager treatment and its extension, ion solvent interactions.Thermodynamics of electrified interface equations. Structure of electrified interfaces. Guoy Chapman, Stern. Over potentials, exchange current density, derivation of Butler-Volmer equation, Tafel plot.
Semiconductor interfaces-theory of double layer at semiconductor, electrolyte solution interfaces, structure of double layer interfaces. Electrocatalyis – influence of various parameters. Hydrogen electrode. Bioelctrochemistry, threshold membrane phenomena. Polarography theory, Ilkovic equation, half wave potential and its significance. Introduction to corrosion, homogeneous theory, forms of corrosion, corrosion monitoring and prevention methods.
Unit I Electron Spin Resonance Spectroscopy
Principle and theory, Kramer degeneracy, g factor, electron-nuclear coupling (hyperfine structure), line shape and width, Mc Connell relationship, endor and eldor, electron-electron coupling. Techniques of measurement, application of ESR to organic free radicals and to transitional metal complexes (having and unpaired electron) including biological systems.
Unit II Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy
(a). Chemical shift values for protons bonded to carbon (aliphatic, olelinic, aldehydic and aromatic)
and other nuclei (alcohols, phenols, carboxylic acids, amines, amides), chemical exchange, effects
of deuteration, Karplus curve-variation of coupling constant with dihedral angle.
(b). Carbon-13 NMR Spectroscopy
General consideration, chemical shift (aliphatic, olefinic, alkyne, aromatic, heteroaromatic and
carbonyl compound), coupling constants.
(c). Nuclear Quadrupole Resonance: Principle, Theory and applications
Unit III Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy
Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy
Nuclear spin, nuclear resonance, saturation, shielding of magnetic nuclei, chemical shift and its
measurement, factor influencing chemical shift, deshielding, spin-spin interaction, factors influencing
coupling constant ‘J’. Classification (ABX, AMX, ABC, A2B2 etc.), spin decoupling, basic ideas about
instrument, NMR studies of nuclei other than proton13C, 19F and 31P. FT NMR, advantages of FT NMR,
use of NMR in medical diagnostics.
Non-Equilibrium Thermodynamics
Non-Equilibrium Thermodynamics
Thermodynamic criteria for non-equilibrium states, entropy production and entropy flow, entropy
balance equations for different irreversible processes (e.g., heat flow, chemical reaction etc.)
transformations of the generalized fluxes and forces, non-equilibrium stationary states,
phenomenological equations, microscopic reversibility and Onsager’s reciprocity relations,
electrokinetic phenomena, diffusion, electric conduction, irreversible thermodynamics for biological
systems, coupled reactions.
Unit IV
Chromatographic Methods
Principle, instrumentation and applications of gas liquid chromatography and HPLC. Ion exchange chromatography: cationic and anionic exchanges and their applications. Van-Deemter equation (no derivation), concept about HEPT-plate theory and rate theory. Applications.
Unit V
Radio Analytical Methods
Basic principles and types of measuring instruments, isotope dilution techniques: principle of operations and uses. Applications.
Unit II
Statistical Thermodynamics
Concept of distribution, thermodynamic probability and most probable distribution. Ensemble
averaging, postulates of ensemble averaging. Canonical, grand canonical and microcanonical ensembles,
corresponding distribution laws- (using Lagrange’s method of undetermined multipliers).
Partition functions- translational, rotational, vibrational and electronic partition functions.
Calculation of thermodynamic properties in terms of partition functions. Applications of partition
Unit I
Electronic Spectra & Magnetic Properties of Transition Metal Complexes.
Unit III
Metal Clusters
Unit IV
Chemistry - I
Unit I
Nature of Bonding in Organic Molecules
Unit II
Unit III
Reaction Mechanism : Structure and Reactivity
Unit IV
Aliphatic Nucleophilic Substitution
Unit V
Aliphatic Electrophilic Substitution
Total Unit - 5
Unit I - Disconnection Approach
Unit II - Protecting Groups
Unit III - One Group and Two Group C-C Disconnections
Unit IV - Determination of Reaction Mechanism
Unit V - Photochemical Reactions
UNIT-I 07 Hours
Preformulation Studies: Introduction to preformulation, goals and objectives, study of
physicochemical characteristics of drug substances.
a. Physical properties: Physical form (crystal & amorphous), particle size, shape, flow
properties, solubility profile (pKa, pH, partition coefficient), polymorphism
b. Chemical Properties: Hydrolysis, oxidation, reduction, racemisation, polymerization
BCS classification of drugs & its significant
Application of preformulation considerations in the development of solid, liquid oral and
parenteral dosage forms and its impact on stability of dosage forms.
UNIT-II 10 Hours
a. Introduction, ideal characteristics of tablets, classification of tablets. Excipients,
Formulation of tablets, granulation methods, compression and processing problems.
Equipments and tablet tooling.
b. Tablet coating: Types of coating, coating materials, formulation of coating
composition, methods of coating, equipment employed and defects in coating.
c. Quality control tests: In process and finished product tests
Liquid orals: Formulation and manufacturing consideration of syrups and elixirs
suspensions and emulsions; Filling and packaging; evaluation of liquid orals
official in pharmacopoeia
UNIT-III 08 Hours
a. Hard gelatin capsules: Introduction, Production of hard gelatin capsule shells. size
of capsules, Filling, finishing and special techniques of formulation of hard gelatin
capsules, manufacturing defects. In process and final product quality control tests
for capsules.
b. Soft gelatin capsules: Nature of shell and capsule content, size of
capsules,importance of base adsorption and minim/gram factors, production, in
process and final product quality control tests. Packing, storage and stability testing
of soft gelatin capsules and their applications.
Pellets: Introduction, formulation requirements, pelletization process, equipments for
manufacture of pellets
UNIT-IV 10 Hours
Parenteral Products:
a. Definition, types, advantages and limitations. Preformulation factors and essential
requirements, vehicles, additives, importance of isotonicity
b. Production procedure, production facilities and controls,
aseptic processing
c. Formulation of injections, sterile powders, large volume parenterals and
lyophilized products.
d. Containers and closures selection, filling and sealing of ampoules, vials and infusion
fluids. Quality control tests of parenteral products.
Ophthalmic Preparations: Introduction, formulation considerations; formulation of eye
drops, eye ointments and eye lotions; methods of preparation; labeling, containers;
evaluation of ophthalmic preparations
UNIT-V 10 Hours
Cosmetics: Formulation and preparation of the following cosmetic preparations:
lipsticks, shampoos, cold cream and vanishing cream, tooth pastes, hair dyes and
Pharmaceutical Aerosols: Definition, propellants, containers, valves, types of aerosol
systems; formulation and manufacture of aerosols; Evaluation of aerosols; Quality
control and stability studies.
Packaging Materials Science: Materials used for packaging of pharmaceutical products,
factors influencing choice of containers, legal and official requirements for containers,
stability aspects of packaging materials, quality control tests.
Scope: This subject is designed to impart fundamental knowledge on the structure, chemistry, and therapeutic value of drugs. The subject emphasizes the structure-activity relationships of drugs, the importance of physicochemical properties, and the metabolism of drugs. The syllabus also emphasizes on chemical synthesis of important drugs under each class.
Objectives: Upon completion of the course, the student shall be able to
BP809ET. COSMETIC SCIENCE(Theory); 45Hours
UNIT I 10Hours
Classification of cosmetic and cosmeceutical products
Definition of cosmetics as per Indian and EU regulations, Evolution of cosmeceuticals
from cosmetics, cosmetics as quasi and OTC drugs
Cosmetic excipients: Surfactants, rheologymodifiers, humectants, emollients,
preservatives. Classification and application
Skin: Basic structure and function of skin.
Hair: Basic structure of hair. Hair growth cycle.
Oral Cavity: Common problem associated with teeth and gums.
UNIT II 10 Hours
Principles of formulation and building blocks of skin care products:
Face wash,
Moisturizing cream, Cold Cream, Vanishing cream and their advantages and
disadvantages.Application of these products in formulation of cosmecuticals.
Antiperspants & deodorants- Actives & mechanism of action.
Principles of formulation and building blocks of Hair care products:
Conditioning shampoo, Hair conditioner,anti-dandruff shampoo.
Hair oils.
Chemistry and formulation of Para-phylene diamine based hair dye.
Principles of formulation and building blocks of oral care products:
Toothpaste for bleeding gums, sensitive teeth. Teeth whitening, Mouthwash.
UNIT III 10 Hours
Sun protection, Classification of Sunscreens and SPF.
Role of herbs in cosmetics:
Skin Care: Aloe and turmeric
Hair care: Henna and amla.
Oral care: Neem and clove
Analytical cosmetics: BIS specification and analytical methods for shampoo, skincream and toothpaste.
UNIT IV 08 Hours.
Principles of Cosmetic Evaluation: Principles of sebumeter, corneometer. Measurement of TEWL, Skin Color, Hair tensile strength, Hair combing properties Soaps,and syndet bars. Evolution and skin benfits.
UNIT V 07 Hours
Oily and dry skin, causes leading to dry skin, skin moisturisation. Basic understanding of
the terms Comedogenic, dermatitis.
Cosmetic problems associated with Hair and scalp: Dandruff, Hair fall causes
Cosmetic problems associated with skin: blemishes, wrinkles, acne, prickly heat and
body odor.
Antiperspirants and Deodorants- Actives and mechanism of action
1) Harry’s Cosmeticology, Wilkinson, Moore, Seventh Edition, George Godwin.
2) Cosmetics – Formulations, Manufacturing and Quality Control, P.P. Sharma, 4th
Edition, Vandana Publications Pvt. Ltd., Delhi.
3) Text book of cosmelicology by Sanju Nanda & Roop K. Khar, Tata Publishers.
45 Hours
Scope: This subject is designed to impart basic knowledge on the area of novel drug delivery systems.
Upon completion of the course, student shall be able
1. To understand various approaches for the development of novel drug delivery systems.
2. To understand the criteria for selection of drugs and polymers for the development of Novel drug delivery systems, their formulation and evaluation.
Applied Anthropology for the Students of MA/MSc III Semester
1. Disorders of Carbohydrate Metabolism - Diabetes mellitus, glucose and galactose tolerance tests, sugar levels in blood, renal threshold for glucose, factors influencing blood glucose level, glycogen storage diseases, pentosuria, galactosemia.
2. Disorders of Lipids – Plasma lipoproteins, cholesterol, triglycerides and phospholipids in health and disease, hyperlipidemia, hyperlipoproteinemia, Gaucher’s disease, Tay-Sach’s and Niemann-Pick disease, ketone bodies, Abetalipoproteinemia.
3. Inborn Errors of metabolism – Phenylketonuria, alkaptonuria, albinism, tyrosinosis, maple syrup urine disease, Lesch-Nyhan syndrome, sickle cell anemia, histidinemia.
4. Disorders of liver and kidney – Jaundice, fatty liver, normal and abnormal functions of liver and kidney. Inulin and urea clearance.
5. Electrolytes and acid-base balance – Regulation of electrolyte content of body fluids and maintenance of pH, reabsorption of electrolytes.
6. Diagnostic Enzymes – Enzymes in health and diseases. Biochemical diagnosis of diseases by enzyme assays – SGOT, SGPT, CPK, cholinesterase, LDH.
7. Blood Clotting – Disturbances in blood clotting mechanism – hemorrhagic disorders – hemophilia, von Willebrand’s disease, purpura, Rendu-Osler-Werber disease, thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura, disseminated intravascular coagulation, acquired prothrombin complex disorders, circulating anticoagulants.
Cancer – Cellular differentiation, carcinogens and cancer therapy1. Introduction to immune system – Innate and acquired immunity. Structure and functions of primary and secondary lymphoid organs.
2. Cells involved in immune responses – Lymphoid cells (B-lymphocytes, T-lymphocytes and Null cells), mononuclear cells (phagocytic cells and their killing mechanisms), granulocytic cells (neutrophils, eosinophils and basophils), mast cells and dendritic cell.
3. Nature of antigen and antibody – Immunogenicity vs antigenicity, factors influencing immunogenicity, epitopes, haptens, adjuvants and mitogens. Classification, fine structure and functions of immunoglobulins, antigenic determinants on immunoglobulins, isotypic, allotypic and ideotypic variants.
4. Generation of Diversity in Immune system – Clonal selection theory - concept of antigen specific receptor. Organization of immunoglobulin genes: generation of antibody diversity, T-cell receptor diversity.
5. Immune effector Mechanisms – Kinetics of primary and secondary immune responses, complement activation and its biological consequences, cytokines and co-stimulatory molecules: role in immune responses, Antigen processing and presentation. Cell signaling – Role of MAP kinases.
6. Major histocompatibility complex (MHC) genes and products – Polymorphism of MHC genes, role of MHC antigens in immune responses, MHC antigens in transplantation.
7. Measurement of antigen–antibody interactions – Agglutination, precipitation and opsonization, gel diffusion (Ouchterlony double immunodiffusion and Mancini’s Radial immunodiffusion), immunoblotting, RIA, ELISA and ELISPOT.
8. Tolerance vs activation of immune system – Immune tolerance, hypersensitivity (Types I, II, III, IV).
Disorders of immune system – Autoimmunity, congenital immunodeficiencies, acquired immunodeficiencies.UNIT 2: FUNGI
Semester III (July to November)
SLS/HAB/E02C Fishery Science (Theory)
SLS/HAB/E03 Lab course II
Semester I (July to November)
SLS/HAB/C002 Taxonomy & Systematics (Theory)
SLS/HAB/C005 Lab course I
Unit I: Microscopy and Biosensors Microscopy (Principles and applications): Light, phase contrast, fluorescence and confocal microscopy, Scanning and transmission electron microscopy; Biosensors: Introduction and principles, First, second and third generation instruments, Cell based biosensors, Enzyme immunosensors, DNA biosensor.
Unit II: Centrifugation Basic principle and applications of centrifugation; Centrifugal force; Sedimentation rate; Sedimentation coefficient; Common centrifuges used in laboratory (Clinical, micro, high speed, ultra and industrial centrifuges); Types of rotors (Fixed- angle, swinging bucket and continuous tubular); Types of centrifugation (Principle and applications): Preparative (Differential and density gradient centrifugation) and analytical centrifugation.
Unit III: Chromatography General principle and applications of chromatography; Types of chromatography (Principles and applications): Adsorption chromatography, Ion exchange chromatography, Affinity chromatography, Size exclusion chromatography, Thin layer chromatography, Gas chromatography, High pressure liquid chromatography (HPLC), Supercritical fluid chromatography.
Unit IV: Electrophoretic Techniques General principle and applications of electrophoresis; Types of electrophoresis (Principles and applications): Paper electrophoresis, Moving boundary electrophoresis, Isotachophoresis, Agarose gel electrophoresis, Polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE, Native-PAGE, Denaturing-PAGE and Reducing-PAGE), Isoelectric focusing (IEF), Pulse field gel electrophoresis (PFGE), Disc gel electrophoresis.
Unit V: Spectroscopy and Radiotracer Techniques
Spectroscopic methods (Principle and applications): UV, Visible, IR, NMR, Fluorescence, ESR,
Atomic absorption, CD, ORD and Raman Spectroscopy; Mass Spectrometry: Principles and
application of MALDI-MS, Ionization methods; Radiotracer techniques: Applications of
radioisotopes in biology, Properties and units of radioactivity, Radioactive isotopes and half-life,
Safety rules in handling of radioisotopes, Measurement of radioactivity (GM counter, gamma
counter, wilson cloud chamber and liquid scintillation counter), Autoradiography: Principle and
its applications.
Course Objectives:
1. To understand the basic concepts of RF propagation, circuits and systems.
2. To understand the various modulation/demodulation techniques and multiple access techniques.
3. To study about mobile communication standards and applications.
Course Outcomes:
Student should be able to:
1. Understand the concepts of RF propagation circuits and systems.
2. Explain multiple access techniques-FDMA, TDMA, CDMA, etc.
3. Analyze wireless data communication systems, wireless multimedia, and GSM systems.